Lasiuly Moore

Just like a heroine or one of those mesmerizing characters, I have become the leading lady of a book, its title,  Lasiuly Moore. Indeed.

It tells my story. It talks about Long Beach, Manhattan, London, Milan. It tells of wondrous thoughts, capable of broadening your horizons. It tells of energies and ideas that tiptoe to their goals.

I wish to give it to you. Picture it as a cascade of stars and crystal drops, a small chance to encounter magic.

You may have heard about me, already?

My name is on everyone’s lips, be it at major top managers training events, in imposing haute couture venues, in the most important capitals of the planet. My fame precedes and chases me, unfurling like a carpet runner welcoming me and then cheering me on.

The reasons for all this may lie in a mystery that only time will be able to work out.

Someone who works hard, loves creativity, believes in dreams coming true and knows the art of making things happen. That’s how I describe myself.

To produce unparalleled and unique value, that’s my ambitious and glittering mission in the unscrupulous world of business.

Actually, my story does harbor a secret. A secret that can contain the formula for success and happiness, make life more sparkling and bright, teach how to create beauty. 

A secret that did not come cheap, this much I must tell you, I studied and toiled to deserve knowing it, however, here’s the surprise for you: you may enjoy its power, slip it on like a second skin, pick it out like a precious object, hold it in your hands like a master key.

Lasiuly Moore will be the name of your desires, the outfits of your adventures, the mirror of your emotions.

In my blog you can discover my programs and projects, follow my creative process, see my business taking on shape and color.  You may learn to recognise the quality, belonging to words and things that can make a difference, of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive. Until then, let yourself be won over by an enlightening booklet which will make you dream, while your feet rest firmly on the ground:

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